Mara Salvatrucha 又叫 MS-13,由拉美国家萨尔瓦多内战时期难民组成的拉丁语区街头帮派组织,被美国政府称为这个国家发展最迅猛、最暴力的帮派团体...Documentary Feature Film tells the story of the Mara Salvatrucha (aka MS-13), a transnational Hispanic street gang founded by Salvadorian civil war refugees which the U.S government says is the fastest-growing and most violent gang in this country. The film explores root personal reasons for gang membership and the ensuing explosion of fratricidal violence as well as the complex role of social and government policy in both containing and aggravating gang proliferation.LOOK UP THE FILM AND VOTE ON: DE LA GUERRA premiered at the Seattle International Film Festival on June 8th, 2007 by Alexandre Fuchsweb site: www.hijosdelaguerra.com