




  • 主演:未知


60年代初的日本是如何从战后的一片废墟开始自己第一次经济腾飞的?这部当年由一位美国纪录片导演拍摄的作品将深入分析日本民族的特性和他们在产业和社会生活方面的创新,以此探讨日本经济迅速发展成亚洲第一的原因。Japan: Mircle in Asia (1963) 30mins. Explains how Japan's rapid industrial growth has influenced the way of life in the country and has affected the international political and economic position of the country. Suggests that Japan turned to industrialization to support a rapidly growing population on a small and relatively poor land area. Deneen shot the aerial shots himself from a single-seat aircfraft, toggling the joystick while he pointed the camera out the window on sharply-banked turns. As an extra, Deneen appears on-camera in a 3:53 non-distributed film, describing the significance of his three-part series on Japan, of which this film is one.


