Adrian Quiroga, the beast, arranges an orphan in his life around to blows, and the younger, working in a refrigerator, when the then Colonel Peron was arrested, began his career as a boxer. Wins his first fight when he spoke to the people Peron autoconvocado in the Square, and is a great capeon when Peron exercised his first term. Rise and fall of a popular idol as a key historical turning point for Argentina in the Peronist party, and without doubt the Mono Gatica memories are inevitable.Mario Sábato (1945 - ) is the only son of the great Argentinian writer Ernesto Sábato. Began his professional career as a assistant to the director of the film La Herencia, Ricardo Alventosa. During the 70s and 80s, he made several comedies and childrens' movies under the pseudonym Adrián Quiroga. In addition to his many films, he has also directed a number of productions for Argentina and Italian television.