



    • 主演:未知


    Jack The Ripper was the first modern serial killer. To this day his reign of terror remains one of history's greatest mysteries: motiveless, unmatched in brutality, and still unsolved. Now Laura Richards of Scotland Yard's Violent Crime Directorate re-opens the case. With the benefits of modern criminology and psychological analysis, and working with a team of experts, Richards uses 21st century techniques to understand a 19th century killer, dispelling the many myths that have grown up around the case. The results completely change our understanding of Jack The Ripper, providing a detailed psychological study of the kind of person he was, where he lived and even what he may have looked like.1888年秋天,伦敦东区连续发生五起骇人听闻的命案,死者都是女性,手法之凶残,令所有伦敦女性人人自危。然而一切也在第五起命案之后轧然而止,凶手没再犯案,却也从未落网。“开膛手杰克”从此成为古今中外连续杀人凶手当中,名号最响亮的一位。一个多世纪以来,揭开“开膛手杰克”的身分之谜,俨然已成为一门另类显学,就连文学电影创作,也一再以此为题或是从中汲取灵感。究竟历经一个多世纪的追查,真相是否有逐渐明朗的趋势?还是仍然令人如坠五里雾中?

