



    • 主演:未知


    A Sad and Shameful Brazilian Problem."Maioria Absotuta" began the shootings in 1964, but was concluded after the Military Coup d' Etat in Brazil. This documentary defends the right of vote to illiterate people, and was censored until 1980. It ironically begins with opinions of people of middle class, showing the alienation of this class. There is one guy on the beach that is extremely ridiculous in his statement that the constitution of Brazil should be changed and has one sentence only:"People should have shame". In the second part, it respectfully shows the absolute majority of Brazilian people, the illiterate, as a conscious class and the lack of survival condition of this segment that lives in the total misery and forgotten by the government. Further, it clearly highlights that the greatest problem of the peasants is the landowner. The dramatic and sad conclusion has the quote:"O filme acaba aqui. Lá fora, a sua vida e a destes homens continua". ("The movie ends here. Outside, yours and these men lives go on").

