



    • 主演:VesnaTrivalicNenadJezdicNatasaNinkovic


    A hospital emergency unit, and the story of an ambulance in the capital of Serbia, Belgrade. The city mirrors the political history of this part of ex-Yougoslavia before its breakdown in 2000 until today being one of the countries queueing for EU accession. At the emergency unit, the telephone doesn't stop to ring and each time the call has a different meaning. At the same time, the film shows the history of Serbia from the moribund Milosevic regime to the high hopes for a democratic regime under the progressive minister Zoran Dinjic who was murdered in 2003 however. New solutions and new redemptions are needed. The stories revolve around the new assistant doctor Vera. She and the young girl Nada who is bound to a wheelchair become friends during the refurbishing of the clinic. Tatjana, a single mom and well-known TV journalist only hardly survives the post-socialistic turmoils. The third story is following the destiny of Miko, a very believing 12-year-old boy, who spends his lonely life in a serbian-kosovan refugee camp together with his older brother.


    • Vesna
    • Trivalic
    • Nenad
    • Jezdic
    • Natasa
    • Ninkovic

