



    • 主演:BorisBabochkinBorisBlinovTamaraMakarova


    片长:88语言:俄语国家:苏联颜色:黑/白导演:谢尔盖格拉西莫夫,米哈伊尔卡拉托佐夫演员:鲍里斯巴博奇金鲍里斯Blinov塔玛拉马卡洛娃Description: The autumn of 1941. Leningrad is besieged by the Nazis. A new model of tank is being developed at a large defense plant. Built in the shortest possible time combat vehicles are tested directly on battlefields, fighting with the Nazis in the outskirts of the city.The first feature agitprop film about the heroic everyday life of city defenders was shot in neo-realist manner directly in assembly shops of plants and in the streets of Leningrad when the city was fighting against the German WehrmachtRather interesting and tense.Kalatozov was co-director and co-screenwriter. Some camera angles already remind of Kalatozov's later expressionist style.说明:1941年秋天。列宁格勒的围困纳粹。一种新型坦克目前正在制定一个大型国防工厂。在最短的时间内战车内置的测试,直接在战场上,与在城市的郊区纳粹的战斗。第一个特点对捍卫英雄城市日常生活宣传鼓动电影取景新现实主义的方式,直接在植物装配车间以及在列宁格勒的城市街头,反对德国国防军作战相当有趣和紧张。卡拉托佐夫共同导演和合作编剧。有些镜头角度已经提醒卡拉托佐夫后来的表现主义风格。


    • Boris
    • Babochkin
    • Boris
    • Blinov
    • Tamara
    • Makarova

