



    • 主演:未知


    Seen through the eyes of activist, farmers and journalists, Waking the Green Tiger follows an extraordinary campaign to stop a huge dam project on the Upper Yangtze river in southwestern China. Featuring astonishing archival footage never seen outside China, and interviews with a government insider and witnesses, the documentary also tell the history of Chairman Mao's campaigns to conquer nature in the name of progress. An environmental movement takes root when a new environmental law is passed, and for the first time in China's history, ordinary citizens have the democratic right to speak out and take part in government decisions. Activist test this new freedom and save a river. The movement they trigger has the potential to transform China.通过环境活动人士、农民及记者的眼光,《唤醒绿色虎》追踪一场史无前例的非凡运动,这场运动是要阻止在中国西南部的崇山峻岭中的长江上游修建大坝。为毛的人定胜天论画上句号影片以令人惊奇而且从未在中国境外面世的档案材料及对政府内幕知情者和见证人的采访为主体,同时也讲述了毛主席是如何坚持以进步的名义搞人定胜天运动的。数以百万计的中国人被动员起来参加运动,而这些运动改变了中国的地貌、毁坏了湖泊、沼泽、森林和草原,让沙尘暴肆虐而且也令科学停滞不前。五十年来,天一定要服务于人的观念在一代一代的中国人心目中已根深蒂固。批评这一做法的人因此而销声匿迹了多少年。唤起一场草根运动当一部新的环境法通过之后,由环保活动人士和农民领导并得到政府内幕知情人支持的一场新环保运动终于扎下了根。中国有史以来,普通公民第一次享受到了表达心声及参与政府决策的民主权利。环保活动人士踏上了检验他们的自由度并拯救一条河流的征程。他们引发的这场运动极具令中国改头换面的潜力

