In search of his missing boy, Max Dietrich (James Russo) hires a trapper Tom Hanner (Michael Biehn), to lead the missions into dangerous Black Paw Territory. Enlisting a doctor and an Indian Warrior scout, they will navigate through the wilderness and a haunted Indian burial ground to find their greed tearing them apart. Full of gun-slinging, suspense, and deceit, Yellow Rock will thrill Western lovers and action fans alike!
演员:卡尔·德福格特 雷塞尔·奥尔拉 格奥尔格·约翰 鲁道夫·莱廷格 特娅·灿德尔 Reiner Steiner 弗里德里希·屈内 埃德加·保利 迈因哈特·毛尔 保罗·摩根