




  • 主演:未知


2014 加拿大Hot Docs 國際紀錄片影展 觀眾票選獎 Top 3 Audience Favourite, Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival2014 洛杉磯電影節 觀眾票選獎  Audience Award Winner, Los Angeles Film Festival印裔美國工程師佩多與女友分手後,自認是悲慘的大齡剩男,他決意接受超級媒人─他母親,以及人生導師─他父親的建議與安排,追隨家族傳統展開相親任務,在網路上尋找姓氏同為佩多的印裔美籍女性,作為伴侶人選。偏偏佩多的導演姊姊也執意參與並老愛發表評論。搭配趣味動畫與配樂,觀眾跟隨古怪搞笑又相愛的佩多一家,不僅看見一個移民家庭的對於第二代婚姻選擇的焦慮,以及在固有文化與新社會關係之間的兩難掙扎。Fresh out of a breakup with his American girlfriend and freaked out by the fact that he is almost 30 and single, Ravi Patel goes on a family vacation to India with his head and heart spinning. He is desperate to find love and is willing to do whatever it takes. Filmed by Ravi's sister in what started as a family vacation video, this hilarious and heartbreaking film reveals how love is a family affair.


