Donnie Loves Jenny is an American reality television series which premiered on January 7, 2015, on the A&E cable network. Announced in November 2014, the series chronicles the lives of Donnie Wahlberg and Jenny McCarthy as newlyweds. The series premiered with a one-hour wedding episode.
演员:Xianmei Chen 陈汉玮 Wei-De Huang 陈秀丽 王识贤 Choon Rui Ang Teck Yenn Wong James Hu Lenny Zheng 叶俊岑 Hans Hamid
演员:爱德华·布卢梅尔 图索·姆贝杜 匹克西·戴夫斯 詹姆斯·卡利斯 理查德·多默 西德尼·詹姆斯·哈考特 埃拉丽卡·加拉切 娜塔莎·金斯基 扎恩·迈克拉农 Aaron Neil 弗朗卡·波滕特