简介:When her grandmother deads, a young eurasian girl relives the story of the women of her family, from the colonial Indochine to the isolation in a transit camp.一个欧亚裔女孩在她的祖母过世后,以舞蹈和传统祭祀仪式来重溯她们家族中的女性自印度支那殖民时期到临时难民营隔离期间所经历的历史。
When her grandmother deads, a young eurasian girl relives the story of the women of her family, from the colonial Indochine to the isolation in a transit camp.一个欧亚裔女孩在她的祖母过世后,以舞蹈和传统祭祀仪式来重溯她们家族中的女性自印度支那殖民时期到临时难民营隔离期间所经历的历史。
When her grandmother deads, a young eurasian girl relives the story of the women of her family, from the colonial Indochine to the isolation in a transit camp.一个欧亚裔女孩在她的祖母过世后,以舞蹈和传统祭祀仪式来重溯她们家族中的女性自印度支那殖民时期到临时难民营隔离期间所经历的历史。