“夏洛特·邦奇的女权传奇”再现了夏洛特的一生:从一位年轻的推进民权发展的理想主义者,到一位女同性恋权利活动家,最后成为国际公认的领袖人物。片中,曾和她一同工作的来自亚洲、非洲、南美及加勒比海地区的女性讲述了她们共同推进女性权利发展,使女性权利得以纳入全球人权进程的故事。片中穿插有夏洛特私人信件的节选,这些信件展现出她致力于创造一个更平等的世界的决心。Passionate Politics: The Life and Work of Charlotte Bunch brings Charlotte’s story to life, from idealistic young civil rights organizer, to lesbian feminist activist to internationally recognized leader. Charlotte’s story is told by women from Asia, Africa, South America and the Caribbean who have worked with her to put women’s rights on the global human rights agenda. Interwoven throughout the film are excerpts from Charlotte’s personal letters that illuminate her determination to create a more just world.