




  • 主演:RômuloBragaClaraChoveaux


Madalena hasn’t come home from work. Worried about his wife, Elon delves into a restless journey in search of her whereabouts. His quest began following her daily routines, work, family and her friends. In desperation, Elon reports to the police station. Fearing the worst he trudges to one hospital after another, even morgues. No one has a clue about the sudden and baffling disappearance of his wife. Insomnia sets in. Loneliness takes hold of Elon’s life. Driven to the edge of desperation, life becomes a maze of misunderstandings, strange encounters and journeys through endless corridors in the darkest parts of town. The watchful eye of Elon seems void as he gazes at obscure figures, at shadows, at faces in the crowd hoping for the comeback of his beloved wife. Elon is losing his mind. His life is falling apart, with his job lost, he vents out his pain and desperation in a violent manner. Reality deceives Elon and he decides to deny it.But can he deceive reality, too?


  • Rômulo
  • Braga
  • Clara
  • Choveaux


