




  • 主演:未知


Kreatur is about the human body. Isolated or attached to a community, it becomes distorted under pressure. The show's based on the ideas of taking or losing power, of thinking about otherness or looking at oneself, of loving or hating oneself. And in visiting a former Stasi prison in Berlin, Sasha Waltz and her dancers found memorial and sensitive points of reference to work on the inhuman confinement that forced people to stay forever upright and awake. The choreographer alludes to a world in which physical and physiological constrictions force us to stay in movement. The body becomes the symbol of a struggle, caught as in a vice between concrete sensations of imprisonment and feelings of a freedom still to experience. To find our respective parts of light and darkness, she wanted to work with great artists to design the costumes, the space and its reflections, the metallic and concrete sounds of the show... All of it comes together to create a minimalist world in black and white, in which only the skin, the living, create colour, and where the creatures we see are images from a potential future, at once familiar and unknown.


