一輛風光不再的愛車,加上需要幫助的車主。偷偷把車送去設備精良的工坊,連續三週的大改造,再把煥然一新的汽車,送回給毫不知情的車主。當技師提姆和費茲接到電話,就是要把汽車改頭換面的時候。t’s time to reignite those engines, fine tune that suspension and polish the bonnet, as the highly anticipated hit series Car S.O.S returns on Mondays at 8PM.We Brits have always had a love affair with cars, but when life gets in the way, sometimes things can get a little rusty.This is where the Car S.O.S team step in.Join the parts-blagging-petrol-head Tim Shaw (Fifth Gear) and master mechanic/musician Fuzz Townshend, as they join forces to rescue rusty classics from their garage prisons.With some grease, graft, mechanical expertise and just a little tender loving care the Car S.O.Steam rescue Britain’s much loved classics and transform them inside and out.In goes a dusty, tarnished mess and out comes a swanky, shiny new auto-mobile in all its former glory, then it’s time to hand the keys back to the shocked owner.