这是一个关于心灵回家的故事。三个家庭因孩子辍学而陷入困境,父母们无奈将孩子送入一所特殊学校接受“改造”,却意外地让自己接受了一次触及灵魂的启蒙教育。父母对孩子满满的爱有时却造成了满满的伤害,这究竟是为什么?“问题孩子”的背后往往有一个问题家庭教育模式的存在。影片以代际情感问题为切入点,通过客观冷静地真实纪录,呈现三个家庭的社会学样本,以情感教育缺失这一新视角,重新审视当今时代中国家庭面临的亲子关系、亲密关系等情感问题。孩子是家庭的一面镜子,而家庭更是社会的一面镜子。"This is a story about a soul back home.Three families stuck into serious trouble as their children had dropped out of school, therefore, helpless parents had to send children to a special school to get""remould"", but accidentally gained enlightenment education which touched their own soul.Parents who tend to give their full of love to children sometimes inflict full damage. Why does such thing happen? There often exists a wrong mode of family education behind a “Problem Child"". Taking intergenerational emotional problems as a starting point, this documentary film shows sociology samples from three families by a dispassionate true record."