Contemporary comedy drama series spanning the seven days of Galway’s most famous festival - Race Week. The annual Galway Races provide the magnet for a group of disparate characters which converge in Galway, crossing paths with each other with hilarious, tragic and often disastrous results.
演员:阿努瓦·宗澈德拉塔纳 波莉雀娅·彭娜妮可 提迪瓦·立帕拉赛 皮查亚东·彭潘 柏.措克柴.邦沃拉沵狄 Wit Phutharit Prombandal Best Kroekchai Tapinta Tian Atcharee Buakhiao Ice Preechaya Pongthananikorn Khwan Khwanruedi Klomklom Jubjang Wimolphan Chaleejunghan