Play for Today is a British television anthology drama series. It was produced by the BBC and it was transmitted on BBC1 between 1970 and 1984. During this period, more than 300 different programmes, featuring original television plays, and adaptations of stage plays and novels, were transmitted. Each episode was between 50 and 100 minutes in duration. Some of these plays, for example, Rumpole of the Bailey, subsequently became TV series.
演员:阿努瓦·宗澈德拉塔纳 波莉雀娅·彭娜妮可 提迪瓦·立帕拉赛 皮查亚东·彭潘 柏.措克柴.邦沃拉沵狄 Wit Phutharit Prombandal Best Kroekchai Tapinta Tian Atcharee Buakhiao Ice Preechaya Pongthananikorn Khwan Khwanruedi Klomklom Jubjang Wimolphan Chaleejunghan
演员:Felicity Ward Edith Poor 斯特恩·拉斯科普洛斯 Shari Sebbens 乔希·汤姆森 乔尼·布鲁 帕拉维·沙尔达 苏珊·玲·杨 Raj Labade Lucy Schmit 费拉斯·迪拉尼