要了解香港傷殘人士權益發展,必定會提起羅偉祥。阿祥患有 先天性嚴重腦痙攣,四肢殘疾,一生都需以輪椅代步。歧視問 題雖令他在求職路上屢受挫折,但他一直努力不懈,不但打 拼出自己的事業,更積極參與傷殘人士福利政策倡議工作,致 力改善他們的生活質素,宣揚獨立自主,實踐傷殘人士生活自 由。阿祥奮戰至生命的最後一刻,是真正的「生命鬥士」。電 影由奧斯卡得獎紀錄片工作者楊紫燁擔任創意監製及策劃,導 演蘇家榆與澳門動畫師黃榮俊合作,糅合阿祥的生活片段和動 畫,記錄這位已故香港共融平權先鋒的奮鬥故事。 Law Wai-cheung is an important figure in promoting disability’s rights in Hong Kong. A life in a wheelchair equipped Law with the perseverance and fighting spirit to not only achieve independent living, but even dedicated himself to helping others in the local disabled community to build a life of their own. Executive produced by Oscar winning documentarian Ruby Yang, this documentary by So Ka-ue incorporates heartwarming animation by Macau animator Wong Weng-chon to chronicle Law’s life in tandem with the local disability’s rights movements from the 60s to the prese