I nipoti dei fiori

I nipoti dei fiori



    • 主演:未知


    Synopsis   The director reconstructs his childhood, consisting of travels and hippy communes. In doing so, he meets others like him, the products of those movements. The result is a collective story of a generation that, often in ironic tones, demolishes the myth of the flower children, reflecting on the conceptions of their own parents.   COMMENTARY   While in 20 sigarette the director gave a fictional account of his experience as a survivor of Nassiriya, here he relies on a documentary to reflect on the legacy of certain cultural mythologies such as those of the flower children, and at the same time to question his role as a parent and the very concept of family. In this way, cinema becomes not only an autobiographical device capable of exorcising his personal ghosts but also a tool with which to enable a contagious collective therapy session. That is not all, though, because the film also chronicles the rift between generations which has widened in recent years.   DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT   This is an intimate story, that arises from the experience of a hippy childhood. Now that I myself am a parent, I am forced to ask myself what remains within me of that social experiment. But it is also the story of a generation which, like me, is looking for an answer in its own past.

