简介:Set in 1939 tells a story of friendship among three 10-year olds, living in town of Sosnowiec: a Polish and Jewish boys and a German girl. The Jewish boy's parents are killed and he is wounded and left for dead, but saved by the other two. Polish boy
简介:七十年代波兰经典的一部青春爱情片,男女主角属于俊男美女,故事也不错。Last day of a school year. Fourteen years old Jurek helps his old teacher who is passed out. He is also a witness of an aggression against his class-mate, who doesn't want to tell the names of his persecutors. Furth
简介:62年嘎纳金棕榈提名。The story is set in a smalltime circus. On the edge of failure, the show is further endangered by a new mime who almost wrecks the operation by destroying the other performers' faith in their talents. All the ambiance of an old-fashioned