简介:When her two prized dogs and husband are killed in a car crash, Martha Boggs is left with a mental condition and two mentally challenged sons. When the bank comes calling to repossess the family farm, she finds a terrifying way to keep them at bay, and se
简介:在一片祥和,鸟语花香的密林中,堡垒已经静静地沉睡了不知多长时间。一只小黄鸟飞到了旁边,不经意间再度激活了堡垒的程序,故事也由此开始……虽然这位充满探索欲的智械渐渐迷上了周围的环境,但很快却发现,其核心战斗程序正指引它踏上另一条道路……在行进途中,堡垒无意中将啄木鸟的声音误认为枪声,于是激活了自身的战斗程序,将面前的森林毁为平地。此时的堡垒继续沿着预设好的战斗路径前行,它的目标是艾兴瓦尔德!在数十年前,这里是欧洲智械战争的核心地区之一,莱因哈特的上司、十字军指挥官Balderich von Alder率领
简介:When her two prized dogs and husband are killed in a car crash, Martha Boggs is left with a mental condition and two mentally challenged sons. When the bank comes calling to repossess the family farm, she finds a terrifying way to keep them at bay, and se