简介:Le strade di una grande città sono piene di cadaveri, ma la gente sembra non accorgersene e passa indifferente. Per volere delle autorità, i corpi di quei cittadini, uccisi perchè ribelli, devono servire come monito. Antigone vorrebbe seppellire il fratel
简介:A forty year old woman, who has been in an asylum, goes to live with her brother's family. She proves incapable of adapting herself to family life, takes refuge in the country alone with her memories, and is later returned to the asylum.
简介:本片为《天才雷普利》的续集。在上一集中,雷普利(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)凭借自己的聪明才智从一个名不见经传的穷小子摇身变成了腰缠万贯的大亨,在和钢琴家妻子路易莎(切瑞拉·凯瑟莉 Chiara Caselli 饰)结婚后,雷普利回归了平静的生活。可是,他的狡猾和野心从未改变,当得知工匠乔纳森(多格雷·斯科特 Dougray Scott 饰)在他的背后大放厥词后,复仇的火焰在雷普利的内心中熊熊的燃烧起来。当雷普利的朋友希望雷普利帮他干掉一个竞争对手时,雷普利想到了乔纳森,而经济
简介:The life of St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) as related by followers who gather after his death to tell stories so that Leone can record them: a privileged and virile youth, a prisoner of war, an heir who turns away from his father and gives all to the p
简介:1993年意大利出品的《你在哪里?我在这儿》(Where Are You?I’m Here)是一部深刻反映聋人及手语地位的影片。一位母亲因为逃避手语而拒绝把聋儿子送往特殊学校,好在她的姑妈教会了他手语并使他融人一帮聋孩子之中,他得到了快乐,交到了女朋友并相约一起上华盛顿的特殊大学。富有矛盾意味的是影片最后安排了一次车祸,他的女朋友死了,而他却因此恢复了听力,仍然回到了听觉崇拜的老路。
主演:马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 肯·马歇尔 Alexandra King Carlo Giuffrè Yann Babilée 让娜·瓦莱丽 Liliana Tari 佩佩·巴拉 Cristina Donadio Rosaria della Femmina 贾可·塞纳斯 克劳迪娅·卡汀娜 伯特·兰卡斯特
简介:After the Allies liberate Naples in 1943, the life for the locals is not much easier, especially for women. Many sacrifice their dignity and morale to survive.