简介:A movie about the horrors, rigors and racism of men crossing the North Pole. The basically unknown story of Matthew Henson who has almost been forgotten from history as the co-discoverer of the North Pole simply because of his race. I think it's abou
简介:The creator of comic superhero Captain Justice, Abner Bevis, is in a rut, repeating old storylines. The comic's owners want to kill the strip off due to falling sales, and children are losing interest in it. This transfers itself to the world of the
简介:《惩罚者》(Marvel's The Punisher,或简称:The Punisher)是漫威电视联合ABC电视台为NetFlix打造的真人超级英雄剧集,改编自漫威同名漫画,是漫威电影宇宙的一部分,也是《超胆侠》的衍生剧,由安迪·戈达德等人执导,乔·博恩瑟、本·巴恩斯、爱波·莫斯-巴克拉赫、艾波·罗丝·雷瓦等主演。讲述卡斯特成为“惩罚者”前是美国海军陆战队的战术狙击手,后因家人被残忍杀害而开始以暴制暴、对抗黑暗势力。