简介:"Tokito" chronicles the 540-day journey of maverick Michelin-starred Chef Yoshinori Ishii as his team transforms a historic Japanese restaurant into an innovative auberge dining experience in Tokyo. The film captures Chef Ishii’s relentless purs
主演:Amanai Shigeki Amanai Aika Amanai Motoki Amanai Yoshiki
简介:Shige, an indigenous Ainu person from Shiranuka, Hokkaido, goes Marek fishing with his 10-year-old son Motoki. After praying to the gods dwelling in all things, he skillfully catches a large salmon, which he then prepares for that evening’s meal. The dail
简介:Uno de los anuncios más esperados y que más expectativa ha causado es la adaptación cinematográfica del clásico de la literatura universal Pedro Páramo de Juan Rulfo. Bajo la producción de Netflix, el debut como director del cinefotógrafo nominado al Osca
主演:James Achille Chris Boudreaux Eric DAgostino Paris Dylan Forrest Kiyoshi Hoffman
简介:熱爆全球網劇《光復三溫暖》登上大銀幕,拍成電影版爆笑登場,更長、更大、更濕、更大汗,瘋狂抵死,笑到出水。超過210集網劇、全球5200萬點擊率,人氣爆登的網紅系列拍成電影版,讓觀眾重拾久違了的美式同志爆笑喜劇趣味。化妝界女皇和助手誓要找到青春之泉,卻發現泉源來自一間健身室的地下,為了得到青春秘方的泉水,女皇派助手深入濕蒸房調查,更想盡辦法令健身室倒閉,侵吞優質地段。一班常客只好披甲上陣,捍衛使用這間健身室濕蒸的權利。導演JC Calciano前作《Is it just me》、《eCupid》和《The
简介:A film by Guillaume Dero。大友良英与New Jazz Ensemble 現場與及個人turntable solo噪音表演與吉他獨奏。中间穿插大友良英的访谈。Music(s) [A film by Guillaume Dero] (total time 49:42)1.Orange Was the Color of Her Dress--Tails Out (Charles Mingus--Otomo Yoshihide)2.Turntable (Otomo Yoshihide
简介:The final phase of the Pacific war during World War II saw a terrible new tactic: massed kamikaze attacks on American ships by Japanese planes. But the biggest kamikaze attack of all was the suicidal mission of the super battleship Yamato, the largest, mo
主演:尼古拉·克留奇科夫 瓦西里·梅尔库里耶夫 Vasili Neshchiplenko Alla Parfanyak Lyudmila Glazova Tamara Alyoshina
简介:Три друга, летчики-офицеры, поклялись не любить до конца войны. Однако военная служба познакомила их с летчицами женской эскадрильи. И друзья один за другим начали сдавать свои позиции.После тяжелого ранения летчик Булочкин вынужден летать не на скоростн