简介:Anna and Tom lives in a remote place while Anna suffers from depression after an abortion, and are afraid of losing Tom's affection. An admirer of Tom's writing, Ellinor, adds to the problem, when she occurs with a tame wolf.
简介:Lily and Max have been married for more than 50 years. Now they live together in a nursing home, where Max has been reliant on professional care since his stroke. Lily has been putting her own needs aside and is desperately longing for excitement and inti
简介:克努特·汉姆生是挪威最著名而受爱戴的作家。自他早年时已经对英国人怀有愤恨心理,因为一战期间英国人使挪威遭受饥荒。当德军在1940年9月占领挪威时,他欢迎军队到来,免受英国的侵害。他支持民族社会主义理想.挪威大文豪汉姆生曾获诺贝尔文学奖,是挪威文学的骄傲。不过,这位 作家在二战挪威沦陷期间,却站在·了纳粹傀儡政府一边,并是著名的亲德派。战后,他被挪威政府监禁,并处以高额罚金。1978年,芬兰作家Thorkild Hansen出版了《审判汉姆生》,引进巨大争议。瑞典导演Ja n Troell即根据此书,拍摄