简介:Little Marussia and her mother are constantly searching for a place to stay for the next night. It’s not easy to find a home when they aren’t even sure if they belong in Russia or France
简介:汉娜(卡罗利妮·舒赫Karoline Schuch 饰)是一名正在攻读企业管理专业的大学生,在毕业之前,她决定千里迢迢前往以色列实习,她坚信这样一段并不轻松的实习经历将会给她的个人简历添上浓墨重彩的一笔。在以色列当地的一所专门照顾残障人士的机构里,汉娜邂逅了名为伊泰(Doron Amit 饰)的以色列男子,巧合的是,伊泰一直希望有朝一日能够前往柏林生活,随着时间的推移,一拍即合的两人之间渐渐碰撞出了激情的火花。一次偶然中,汉娜发现,自己的母亲竟然于二十年前也来到过以色列,不仅如此,年轻的母亲还在这里经
简介:A story of passion, rivalry, love, and friendship. Jan Banas, acclaimed Silesian football player of the 1960s and 1970s, struggles to makes his dreams come true on and off the field. Stars is the story of a great love between young people torn by passion