简介:Los Angeles, 1928 : un samedi matin, dans une banlieue ouvrière, Christine dit au revoir à son fils Walter et part au travail. Quand elle rentre à la maison, Walter a disparu. Une recherche effrénée s'ensuit et, quelques mois plus tard, un garçon de
简介:克里昂(迈克·克拉克·邓肯 Michael Clarke Duncan 饰)曾经是一名脾气火爆的重量级拳击冠军,退役后开了一家拳王餐馆,他的凶悍作风让员工们都闻风丧胆,不敢造次。然而在一次日本白化动物猎捕活动上,克里昂与一位日本人打赌谁捕得多,结果却输得一塌糊涂,并要在第二天交出两万块,否则餐馆将被接管。要在一夜之间赚够两万块简直不太可能,要知道餐馆销售最高周记录也不超过一万五美金,为了免遭克里昂的铁拳惩罚,可怜的服务员们开始绞尽脑汁,使尽浑身解数,誓死掏空客人钱包……
主演:Konstantin Myuffke 米凯尔·盖洛瓦尼 B. Poltavtsev 斯巴达克·巴加什维利 塔玛拉·马卡洛娃 Anna Smirnova Vasiliy Matov Dmitri Ivanov Giorgi Sagaradze Mikheil Chikhladze И.Н.比列斯基阿尼 Aleqsandre Jorjoliani Shalva Gambashidze Giorgi Shavgulidze Nutsa Chkheidze
简介:1917 was the year. The interim government sends all new trains soldiers to the German front. The soldiers want peace and refuse to go on the offensive. Bolsheviks were preparing for an uprising. Day appointed. October 7 heard a volley from the cruiser &qu
简介:John must make a choice at the train platform - be free from his obligations and adversaries by letting Agathe take the money or pursue her, at great risk to himself, in an effort to protect his brother, father, and country. Meanwhile, his father presents