简介:Cruel and brave Brazilian outlaw called Corisco, living in the backcountry in the Northeast, an arid region, rapes 12-year-old Dadá, who becomes his woman, following him and his gang. Although they were supposed to fight against social injustice, they ter
简介:如果问刚刚在巴西南大河州格拉玛多开幕的第33届“国际拉丁电影节”最抢眼的电影是什么,虽然目前电影节尚未结束,但答案已差不多揭晓,那就是巴西电影《弗朗西斯科的二个儿子》。 以巴西当前最当红的兄弟歌手组合Zezé Di Camargo与Luciano的真实故事改编,影片《Dois filhos de Francisco》讲述的是这两位歌手的父亲Francis
简介:Told by gauchos from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguai, the legend says that Anahy de las Missiones wandered around the Plata Basin during the time of Cisplatina War (1825-1828), stealing the dead