简介:A young country-star wannabe takes off from her carhop career to join with a young, modern Billy the Kid wannabe for an adventure in theft, murder and mayhem.
简介:The retelling of an incident in Gonzales, Texas in 1901 revolving around a stolen horse, mistaken identity and a killing. An unusual story of the all too usual exploitation of the powerless in Texas History.
简介:Divorced mom Tracy Cross raises her 12-year-old son, Christopher, in Key West in 1969 around the time of the Apollo 11 moon landing. A waitress, she becomes a stripper to support herself and Chris.The film includes a scene where fourteen-year-old actor Da
简介:故事发生在1938年的万圣节前夕,弗朗西斯(杰克·尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰)曾经是在圈内叱咤风云的棒球运动员,却因为一场意外一蹶不振,只能依靠酒精麻痹自己,最终沦落成为了酒精依赖症患者。22年前,在弗朗西斯最风光的那段时间,和他的名气一起暴涨的,还有弗朗西斯身上的戾气。最终,不加节制的暴脾气酿成了大祸,弗朗西斯不仅失手杀了人,他的孩子还不幸的在一场灾难中失去了性命。如今,穷困潦倒的弗朗西斯带着女友再度回到了故乡,这片他一辈子都无法释怀的伤心地,他希望自己能够在这里重振旗鼓,找到人生新的