简介:Tells the true story of high school teacher Russ Sheppard, who arrived in a struggling Arctic community ravaged by alcoholism, abuse and the highest suicide rate in North America, and started a lacrosse league. The sports league galvanized the town and sp
简介:In a story told from two different perspectives, Will Bird recounts the events which led to him being in a coma, while his niece Annie recounts her attempt to help to revive him from his coma.
简介:By 1929, Canada's west, which had been home to generations of Métis, was taken over by the railroads and new settlers. The Métis became a forgotten people, relegated to eking out a living as best they could. In Places Not Our Own, Rose l'Esperan
简介:In 1909, amidst the dying old west, Willie Boy, a long distance Desert Runner by Chemehuevi tradition, falls in love with young native beauty, Carlota. Carlota's father, a Chemehuevi shaman and local tribal leader, refuses to let the young couple be