Honest and diligent Police Inspector Jagdish Chandra (Dalip Tahil), while carrying out his investigation against Ajghar Singh (Kiran Kumar) is killed by an assailant (Mahavir Shah) hired through the Peter (Tej Sapru) and Lawrence (Goga Kapoor) by Ajghar Singh. Leaving behind two young boys, one of whom, Brijesh kills the assailant, and is taken-in by Peter and Lawrence to further their ends. The other son, Avinash is adopted by the police commissioner, and grows up (Jeetendra) to be a police inspector like his dad. Brijesh (Sanjay Dutt) meanwhile has just been released from prison, and after attempting to rob a jewellery store, he flees with his girlfriend, Chanda (Madhuri Dixit) to the same village where his dad lived. On the way there, he mistakenly throws Avinash out of the train after a fight. Once in the village, he assumes the identity of Avinash and starts lording over the villagers, and taking bribes from Ajghar Singh. Things start getting complicated when Avinash's wife, ...
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