



    • 主演:未知


    这部作品带领观众探索著名的艾尔斯伯里住宅区,这个巨型的住宅区是英国社会化住宅的历史遗产和重要的纪念碑。在社会变迁中,居住在这里的社群经历着家园的变化,一切都渐渐失控。VR CityExplore the notorious Aylesbury Estate, home to thousands of South Londoners, and the concrete monument to the history of social housing in the UK.This is an immersive journey into the history and legacy of one of the most controversial housing estates in Britain: The Aylesbury Estate, in Walworth, South London.Through the monolithic prism of its concrete blocks, this room-scale documentary will allow people to access the personal spaces of residents and interact with content and physical archives that will examine how design, planning, dreams of utopian living and the political will of the day has affected the ordinary people caught in its midst.Utilising stereoscopic 360 video, photogrammetry, 3D modelling, depth kit, and archive, we will enter the world of the estate from its birth in the 1960’s, through its decline and up to its controversial regeneration today. This multifaceted documentary will question notions of community, examine the dis-enfranchisement and demonisation of the working class, and ask whether current housing policy today is destined to repeat the mistakes of the past.Intended audience: The experience is intended for audiences interested in politics, housing and social justice, plus fans of documentary film and VR experiences. It will allow audiences to engage with and discover a historical, multi-layered documentary within an interactive room-scale environment.The experience will be exhibited in a site-specific exhibition on the estate, which will be co-curated by Aylesbury residents. It will then tour film festivals world wide, before being made available for download on VR stores.

